Telelift Service

Telelift Service – Quality that’s tangible

We are particularly proud when our customers operate their Telelift systems over the course of decades. This is not only due to the ingenious technology and high quality workmanship, but also regular servicing by expert personnel.

Such systems are necessary but costly investments. So that your investment pays off over the long term, we offer various servicing options for Telelift systems, which we can tailor precisely to your operational circumstances.
Our service team’s work begins once your system starts up

We want you to be satisfied with your Telelift system. Our service team therefore focuses on ensuring that our conveying technology functions without problems and is always up and running.
Over the course of your system’s entire service life, our service technicians ensure that it reliably fulfils the agreed requirements. If required, we modify and improve system components, so that they support your operational procedures as well as they possibly can over the course of many years.

The four elements of Telelift’s service: